Formative Assignment: Using quantitative methodology As part of this formative assignment, you will read two articles and will compare them in 700 words ± 10%. Articles · Gartzke, E., Li, Q., Boehmer, C., 2001. Investing in the Peace: Economic Interdependence and International Conflict. International Organization, 55(2), pp.391–438. 10.1162/00208180151140612. o Read pages 391-410 only (ignore results tables) · Sullivan, J., Sapir, E.V., Lee, C.-Y., 2013. Strategic cross-Strait discourse: A comparative analysis of three presidential terms. China Information, 27(1), pp.11–30. 10.1177/0920203X12471928: o Read pages 11-16 only (until ‘Results) After reading those articles, give your responses to these questions: 1. What topic(s) does each study research? 2. What is the exact research question each study investigates? 3. What bodies of literature do each study speak to and what contribution is made to the literature? 4. What are the dependent, independent, and extraneous (or control) variables? 5. How are they defined and measured? What databases and what variables are used? How are they coded? 6. What technique of data analysis is used? 7. What theory/theories is/are used? How are they used? What purpose do they serve? 8. What advantages and disadvantages of quantitative methods can you depict in the study?