you learned that unless the right help is provided, extreme poverty reproduces itself no matter how hard people work. You also discovered however that we know what the right help is. In addition to hard work we need schools, health, vaccines, roads, electricity, contraceptives, etc. This is of course nothing new. The United Nations already recognized the importance of free speech, education, due process, adequate living standards, access to employment and a whole host of other civil and political as well as social, economic and cultural rights back in 1948 when it adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). And yet, as you well know (whether from the courseware, the news or just having your eyes open), there are still too many people suffering in the world today (including right here in the richest country in the world). Sometimes these problems can be so overwhelming that we don’t know what to do. So, the task for you in this discussion week is to look for and document the positive. J select one right from the UDHR and then take a photo that in your eyes represents a positive view of that right (or something that symbolizes how the right is achieved). This is of course a subjective exercise: you chose one of the rights in the UDHR and then visually represent what is positive about the right or show with a photo how the right is being achieved You will then post the photo to the discussion and in 6-10 sentences, you will explain your thinking. It is up to you what photo you decide to take BUT try not to take photos of people unless we cannot identify them. So, if their faces aren’t shown, if we have no way of knowing who they are, then that is ok but ideally try to think about representing what is positive about a right without just showing pictures of people UDHR Don’t panic: the facts about population