Download and read this comic book below. Then write and upload an essay of no less than 1200 words, explaining how this comic book fits into the history of the medium as we have discussed it in class. This includes technology, aesthetics, genres, readership, economics, authorship and any other angle you may want to use for this discussion. This discussion cannot be purely abstract, it has to pay close attention to the specific characteristics of the comic book, paying attention to its story, art but also to its other features (cover, ad, letter columns, indicia, etc.) You may use any resource of your choice, obviously, including The Power of Comics and any other academic text (see the database of writing on comics, for instance: but also more general resources). I expect to find at least one of these references beyond The Power of Comics, and this should be understood as a bare minimum. Make sure to include a coherent bibliography. Any form plagiarism will result in an automatic 0/20.