There are many barriers that we have discussed within this module. One of the most important barriers in my opinion is education. We have found that there is a lack of education within the elderly and the institutions that they reside in. So why don’t we kill two birds with one stone and do something to help this barrier. I want you to create an educational presentation on a sexuality topic of your choosing for older populations. At the beginning of your presentation make sure you have a minimum of 3 objectives (This will guide your presentation and what you want your “students” to learn. If you don’t know how to create and write objectives, take a look at some of the websites that I have provided below. They will assist you in creating the objectives needed for this assignment Create some activity that would cater to your audience. Many times people get pretty bored with just sitting there as you lecture on about the subject. The average person’s attention span is about 12 minutes before you lose them. As an instructor, I see this sometimes and it makes you feel like you’re not making it interesting for the participant. Use an activity or breakout session to help break up the “lecture”. More importantly, if you involve them it raises their self-efficacy and there is a higher chance of them doing the behavior. An example of this would be to create an activity for elderly on how to put on a condom properly using cucumbers. Make this educational program geared towards both hereto and LGBT elders.