Discuss this question in relation to the ‘replication crisis’ in Psychology. The ‘replication crisis’ in Psychology refers to ongoing research that indicates that the findings of some published studies are difficult or impossible to reproduce. Initial work was done by 270 researchers associated with The Open Science Collaboration who attempted to replicate the findings of 100 papers from leading journals across experimental psychology. Other attempts at replicating established results in Psychology have been made (e.g., Klein et al. ‘Many Labs 2’). The number of successful replications is below what would be expected on the basis of conventional statistical standards for publishable research. As such, the findings have attracted much attention from scholars and commentators within and outside of Psychology. Use the two target articles referenced below to start your reading: 1. Diener, E. & Biswas-Diener, R. (2019). The replication crisis in psychology. In R. Biswas-Diener & E. Diener (Eds), Noba textbook series: Psychology. Champaign, IL: DEF publishers. DOI: https://nobaproject.com/modules/the-replication-crisis-in-psychology 2. Stewart-Williams, S. (2015). A Quick Guide to the Replication Crisis in Psychology. The Nature-Nurture-Nietzsche Blog https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/the-nature-nurture-nietzsche-blog/201509/quick-guide-the-replication-crisis-in-psychology Essay Guidelines 1. Word limit: 1500 words. No headings and sub-headings will not be included in the wordcount. a 10% leeway either way on the word count (anywhere between 1350-1650), otherwise 5% penalty will be imposed. 2. You essay must be supported by a minimum of eight references including those two target articles provided above. 3. You don’t need an abstract. Begin the essay with a short introduction to the topic. You should address the following TWO questions: · What is the replication crisis in Psychology? and · Why is replication of findings important in science? 4. You can use headings and subheadings in order to structure your paper, if you like, to provide signposts to the reader about where your report is going. 5. As a guide, devote around 1,000 words to summarising the arguments that have been made regarding why replication is difficult to achieve, and whether this matters (include the introduction, where you describe the two dot points about the ‘replication crisis’ above, in this count). In order to summarise the arguments, you should read more widely than just the two target articles listed above. 6. Your task, in writing the paper, is to provide a summary or overview of the arguments that have been made. Imagine that your job, as a research assistant, is to provide a summary of the ‘replication crisis’ in Psychology, and of the arguments about what it means. You don’t necessarily need to provide any solutions to the replication crisis, as such, but you should provide a clear overview of what it is, and why it is considered important. 7. Finish the paper with a brief consideration of the implications for our understanding of psychological research findings and, more generally, for our understanding of the nature of ‘science’. In doing this, you should be able to draw on some of the ideas about science that have been presented in lectures. 8. Essays should be formatted according to APA 7th edition. Essays should be typed using a clear font (e.g. Calibri, Arial or Times New Roman) equivalent in size to Times New Roman 12 point, and using double line spacing. References The reference list should include all (and only) cited sources from the essay with APA 7th Format. Your essay must be supported by a minimum of eight references including those two target articles provided above. Two more articles for your consideration: 1. Collaboration, Open Science (2015). Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science. Science. 349(6251): aac4716. doi:10.1126/science.aac4716. ISSN 0036-8075. PMID 26315443. 2. R.A. Klein, et al. Investigating variation in replicability: A ‘many labs’ replication project. Social Psychology, 45 (2014), pp. 142-152. https://doi.org/10.1177/2515245918810225 Teacher’s further clarification: You only need to directly address/ answer the points you provided: – the two intro questions, summaries arguments regarding why replication is difficult to achieve – discuss whether it matters/why it is important (replication crisis) – consider the implications of the replication crisis for our understanding of psychological research findings and the nature of science? – conclusion