You are working on a busy vascular surgical ward where you have completed 4 months of a six-month rotation during your graduate program as a Registered Nurse. Your Nurse Unit Manager approaches you and asks you to engage in a key quality activity in the ward. The Nurse Unit Manager is keen to increase awareness of the importance of professional accountability and the delegation of work between staff in the ward. The ward currently employs students as Assistants in Nursing (AINs), Enrolled Nurses (ENs) and Registered Nurses (RNs) in the skill mix. Each morning shift 3 RNs, 2 ENs and 3 Student AINs are rostered. The Nurse Unit Manager explains that critical decisions in aspects of care appear to be delayed or missed and she is worried that this is affecting patient care outcomes. She hands you several articles that she has found and asks you to review and analyse each and present the collective key findings back to her, and then your peers at the next staff meeting. She explains she feels you are up to the task and aware that your most recent graduation from University places you in a good position to complete the critical analysis. <Develop your Strategies> What strategies would help to improve practice, patient outcomes, and staff practice? Think about explicitly what is needed in regard to the case study, delegation and accountability and which strategies would improve the role of staff and/or patient outcomes. The strategies need to consider: – a skill mix of staff from graduate RNs, experienced RNs, ENs, and AINs – they must be specific to delegation and accountability practices – they must relate to improving patient outcomes – they must be supported the provided journal articles