answer these questions. 4 pages for each question. No block citations, please. 8 pages total. 1.Tennessee recently passed a new law that allows faith-based adoption agencies to deny service to same-sex couples. Specifically, the law says that no licensed adoption agencies would be required to “participate in any placement of a child for foster care of adoption if doing so would violate the agency’s written religious or moral convictions or policies.” It is expected that this law might face a legal challenge by its opponents. Describe the process that the legal challenges will take through the state and federal courts, the types of judges that will hear these cases and how they were selected, and the constitutional rights and precedent that will be used to decide whether these laws are unconstitutional. Has previous Supreme Court precedent been influential in creating social change? 2. Recently, several former police officers have been prosecuted and/or convicted after their involvement in excessive use of force incidents. These incidents have also sparked some states to consider legal reform such as the elimination of qualified immunity. What types of social control could be applied to this situation? Are these prosecutions/convictions likely to lead to the types of social control that is desired? Also, describe the procedures used by the court system to ensure the defendant’s due process rights in cases like these (and all other cases).