This assignment is asking you to briefly identify, analyse and evaluate a ’real world’ example of recognising and accommodating social difference in Sydney. This assignment is therefore designed to help you to: 1) Identify ’real world’ social and cultural differences in the city; 2) Identify instances of potential ’real world’ place based marginalisation or exclusion based on difference; 3) Identify and evaluate local government and community responses to social injustice and marginalisation; 4) Learn where to find basic information about NSW planning requirements about the accommodation of social and cultural difference (to begin, see framework/community-strategic-plan) and how local councils, in collaboration with local communities, have sought to address social justice principles of access, equity, participation and rights; 5) Learn to apply scholarship and terminology in the analysis and evaluation of ’real world’ issues. In NSW, under the requirements set by the NSW Office for Local Government, local councils must implement a Community Strategic Plan in consultation and collaboration with their local communities. This framework includes explicit provisions for the accommodation of social and cultural difference according to NSW social justice principles (access, equity, participation, rights), however the identification and inclusion of particular ’target groups’ is left up to individual councils since each local community varies demographically, socially and culturally. Task: Investigate how a local council and its community have responded to the potential for place-based marginalisation or exclusion of a social or cultural group. Step 1: Choose ONE local council and then choose ONE ’target group’ identified as ’at need’ by the council and its community. Step 2: Briefly discuss and evaluate the strategies (e.g. programs, policies, practices) that have been engaged by the council and its community in order to help include this group in the local community and public space. Your discussion and evaluation should consider the following questions: 1) Why is the targeted social or cultural group identified as ’in need’? 2) What strategies (e.g. programs, policies, practices) has the council implemented to facilitate the inclusion of this group? 3) Do you think these strategies are effective in promoting inclusion (per the NSW social justice principles)? 4) What could be done to further strengthen the strategies?