Use the following link to find the article. The essay should include the following: • A short summary of the article. • A brief, general, explanation of the economic topics that appear in the article (you can include any graphs, figures or equations that were used in class). • Explain how the economic topic was used in the article. • A short summary and a statement of your view on the topic. • One interesting graph about the topic you are discussing. Additional instructions: • The essay should be no longer than three pages and no shorter than two pages (not including the title page). • Your graph should be original (you can create one on FRED or the World Bank database) • Use a 12-point Times New Roman font throughout your paper. • The paper should be double spaced. • Include a title page which includes your name and date. • You must work in groups of 2. • Turn in on Blackboard under term paper, you must include the article (or a link) along with the paper. • The grade will be between 0-20 points which will be added to the student’s final percent grade.