The following plot shows the current account balance (as a percent of GDP) for the five BRICS economies (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) from the first quarter of 2003 to the second quarter of 2019:
Discuss the trend of the current account balance (as a percent of GDP) over the sample period, and its corresponding implication for the degree of competitiveness in international trade, for each economy.
[10 marks]
If you aim to run a domestic business in one of these economies, discuss which economy (out of the five ones) you would choose to invest in, and why?
[5 marks]
Suppose that you are an analyst for the central bank of Brazil. Discuss how its Balance of Payment accounts are affected by the following: (i) A budget deficit financed by foreign borrowing, and (ii) An export quota for its agricultural commodities.
[5 marks]
What is the type of exchange rate system adopted by China? Discuss its advantages and disadvantages.