May 5, 2021

ethical theory

Which ethical theory, if any, do you think is best applied to the medical profession?  Do we want health care professionals who are utilitarians or deontologists?  Or are these theories inadequate to the task of guiding medical professionals?
May 5, 2021

Human Development

choose a film. While watching the film, you will choose one individual to write an analysis on, focusing specifically on the issues of human development that are discussed. An analysis is more than reporting. It tells the how and the why: relevance, significance, accuracy, and spiritual dimension are some areas […]
May 5, 2021

Coronavirus and the Loss of Senses

A class project that analyzes and evaluates recent research in sensation and perception will be based on at least three peer-reviewed references. You are not restricted to topics that appear in the course readings, but your project must be based on serious scholarship. Although it is permissible to choose the […]
May 5, 2021

Evidence Based Treatment Program

What is evidenced-based treatment and what are the several of prevention programs? What are the prevention approaches that have failed? What are the stages of change and is it mentioned in any of the treatment programs? How does the criminal justice system see addicts and mental health? What efforts have […]
May 5, 2021

Workers’ Compensation

Given the rapid increases in workers’ compensation costs, would you argue that other states should return to offering an opt-out provision? (Note: In the early days of workers’ compensation laws in the United States, opt-out provisions were common because of concern about whether making workers’ compensation mandatory was constitutional—now, not […]
May 5, 2021

infant mortality

Task 1: Infant Mortality Rates The U.S. has higher infant mortality rates than other developed nations. In the course project, you will examine many aspects of this issue. Begin your investigation of infant mortality rates in the U.S. by gathering and analyzing statistical data. Gather data about infant mortality rates […]
May 5, 2021

Social, Economic, and Cultural Determinants

Social, Economic, and Cultural Determinants Using the South University Online Library, select and read five articles in peer-reviewed journals, such as Journal of Epidemiology and American Journal of Public Health, on socioeconomic/cultural causes of infant mortality. Write an annotated bibliography of the five articles, which should include a one-paragraph summary […]
May 5, 2021

Medical Causes of Infant Mortality

Medical Causes of Infant Mortality Using the South University Online Library, select and read five articles in peer-reviewed journals, such as Journal of Epidemiology, Journal of Environment Health, and Journal of Applied Epidemiology, on medical causes of infant mortality. Write an annotated bibliography of the five articles, which should include […]
May 5, 2021

Infant Mortality Rates

Infant Mortality Rates The U.S. has higher infant mortality rates than other developed nations. In the course project, you will examine many aspects of this issue. Begin your investigation of infant mortality rates in the U.S. by gathering and analyzing statistical data. Gather data about infant mortality rates in various […]