May 5, 2021

fallacy in the context of cyberethics

Explain in your own words each fallacy below and then provide an example for each fallacy in the context of cyberethics: -1 point for each definition that is not correct or for each example that is not a cyber example Ad Hominem Virtuality Slippery Slope Appeal to Authority (argumentum ad […]
May 5, 2021

identify and evaluate the ethical issues

Read scenario and then identify and evaluate the ethical issues that come with the situation concerning hiding your friend. The United States government, with the approval of the majority of Americans, has decided to round up all Arab-Americans and relocate them into internment camps. You have a friend who is […]
May 5, 2021


In your own words define Cybertechnology. In your own words define Cyberethics. Describe the principle aspects of philosophical ethics, professional ethics and sociological/ descriptive ethics. Assess Don Gotterbarn’s arguments for the claim that computer ethics is a field whose primary concern should focus on moral-responsibility issues for computer professionals. [please […]
May 5, 2021

Social Planning: How NSW Local Council respond to place-based marginalisation

This assignment is asking you to briefly identify, analyse and evaluate a ’real world’ example of recognising and accommodating social difference in Sydney. This assignment is therefore designed to help you to: 1) Identify ’real world’ social and cultural differences in the city; 2) Identify instances of potential ’real world’ place based […]
May 5, 2021

Essay on financial crisis

Write an essay on the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009. Describe what happened, why it happened and what can we do to ensure it does not happen in the future
May 5, 2021

immigration and Arjun Appadurai five different scapes

The extra credit assignment is to view Human Flow by Ai Weiwei and reflect on the processes of human immigration today by using either the supplemental Appadurai reading or the chapter on Globalization.
May 5, 2021

Personal Health

1 page, double spaced document on why personal health should or should not be taught at the college level. Include whether health topics should be a requirement for college students or if they should be elective.
May 5, 2021

policing practices

Is there a problem in policing practices at the state or local level? Identify the problem, the cause, and an effective remedy
May 5, 2021

current regulatory framework governing mergers and acquisitions

Discuss the current regulatory framework governing mergers and acquisitions. Have U.S. government and foreign government regulators been successful in stopping some important M & A’s in recent years? How effective is the regulatory process?