May 3, 2021

The nature of propaganda

You must include answers to the following questions, and arguments to support the following statements within the body of your paper. • State your thesis, and use sources and references to support your idea • How are the concepts/values re ected in the images that you have chosen? • How […]
May 3, 2021

Understanding Artistic Motives and Themes

CO1: Identify major works of Western and Non-Western art from the Neo-Lithic to the Post-Modern periods.    Description:  This is a research, read, consider, think, and write exercise. Please cite source(s,) but leave your voice in.  Place quotations if you use direct quotations. We want to hear your words, not the […]
May 3, 2021

Identify One Mental Health Disorder category

Conceptualization of Care Review Assignment Directions: The goal of this assignment is to gain the psychoeducation necessary to effectively conceptualize a mental health related case in a BSW/Case Manager position. In a 8-10 page paper, complete the following: a FULL 8 pages. If you are looking to get a higher […]
May 3, 2021


In 2008 Singapore legalized payment for organ donations. Choose one of the ethical perspectives we discussed in the seminar (e.g. virtue ethics (Aristotle), deontological ethics (Kant, Koorsgaard), utilitarianism (Mill, Singer, Marquis, Altman), ethics of compassion (Schopenhauer), genealogy of morality (Nietzsche, Foucault) or Chomsky) and discuss, whether this is morally permissible […]
May 3, 2021

Psalms Reflection

Hassell Bullock, C. (2018). Encountering the book of Psalms (2nd ed.). Chapter 2: Listening to the Symphony of Praise: Interpreting the Psalms Chapter 5: Encountering Theology and History in the Psalms Chapter 9: The Lord is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want: Psalms of Trust Chapter 12: My Mouth Will Speak Words […]
May 3, 2021

Evolution of Lean

Evolution of Lean   Toyota Production System (TPS)  Developed in Japan following WWII (limited resources) Also known as Just-in-Time (JIT) manufacturing  Came to U.S.- 1981 at Kawasaki motorcycle plant in Lincoln, Nebraska   Lean Production   Term coined in late 1980s  Popularized in 1990s by Womack, Jones & Roos’ “The Machine That […]
May 3, 2021

Osteogenesis Imperfecta

1. Include a brief definition of your paper topic. Describe the mechanism of injury, or how the disease is acquired. Any change in recent medical treatment. Physical therapy treatments and benefits.  2. 3-5 pages in length, typed, 1.5 spaced. This does not include the bibliography. 3. Site at least three references […]
May 3, 2021

Exegetical Project

You will use the assigned commentaries to answer interpretive questions about the passage, found in the attached Exegetical Project Instructions file. You should carefully read the sections from Carroll, Edwards, and Betz on Luke 11:34–36 (or Matthew 6:22–23). You can access Carroll and Edwards’ commentaries through the Module/Week 6 Reading […]
May 3, 2021

argument of definition about a term or phrase that is controversial, culturally significant or recently changed in some important way.

Definitions matter. Just ask a scientist, a mathematician, an engineer, a judge, or someone who wants to marry someone of the same sex (how is “marriage” legally defined?). Arguments of definition aren’t abstract academic exercises; they are contentious and very often have important consequences for ordinary people. They wield the […]