April 28, 2021

Policy Implications of Change in Material vs. No Change

This paper will address the policy implications of changing materials that are used in our everyday lives. You can choose any material you utilize in your lives, and review the process for substituting this with a more sustainable and ecologically safer material. I expect you to identify at least one […]
April 28, 2021

Sciences Research Proposal

For this project, you are to research a topic in the natural, applied, or social sciences that relates in some way to your major or future profession. The topic must be recent, within the last 20 years, since scientific information is judged by its timeliness. The project will contain three parts: a […]
April 28, 2021

small science project

The goal of this small science project is to analyze the data already gathered by some experts.  In this case these data come from Rosemary and Peter Grant who lived out on the Galapagos islands for a long time gathering data.  It is presented here in CHART FORM, so the […]
April 28, 2021

Auschwitz Critical Book Review

write a 4-5 page critique of the book Auschwitz ‘A New History’ by Laurence Rees. The guide for writing a book review for my class has been posted in the Files.
April 28, 2021

social inequality

For this assignment, you will give real world examples of how this manifests. You will conduct interviews with 2 people who are of different social categories about their perceptions, beliefs, and experiences with social inequalities. These categories can include race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, disability status, sexual orientation, gender identity, […]
April 28, 2021


Discuss the specific questions that were asked at the interview and interview responses.
April 28, 2021

American history

This writing assignment centers on the topic of race relations from the settling of the Americas in 1492 up to the Civil War. Its goal is to challenge you to examine the historical documents from the period that relate to that topic.  In short, your task is to demonstrate the […]
April 28, 2021

Managing Business Data for Analytics

For this assignment, you are required to perform the following tasks: 1. Understand the assignment dataset by going through the information given in the annexures and the excel spreadsheet. 2. Use the information given in the annexures to identify the potential data quality issues in the variables. Suggest a mechanism […]
April 27, 2021

Torture: War On Terror

Using APA format write, write a 1,500  word essay on the topic selected on the outline. Include a title page;  Include an Abstract;  Include a Reference page; Proof read work for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors;  Incorporate feedback from the instructor; and Remember, the title page, abstract, and reference pages […]