April 27, 2021

Human Resource

1. Pick a topic in the field of HR  – (Perhaps the position of a Human Resource Manager) 2. Pick your data measures 3. Make a list of research questions by connecting the data with your research topic 4. Use the data to interpret your research topic The format of […]
April 27, 2021

Computer System Architecture

Use at least three sources to research one of the following computer architectures: x86 architecture ARM architecture SPARC architecture IBM POWER architecture (RISC – AS400 and supercomputers) Develop a two-three page paper that provides the following information: Brief Overview/History of this type of architecture (RISC or CISC? Where are they used? What […]
April 27, 2021

Project management

Write a 1-2 page essay addressing the below: Why are you pursuing the MS in Project Management?• How will this degree help you in your career? •Why is the program at USC a good fit for you
April 27, 2021

Breast Cancer Within African Americans

You will investigate a current health and wellness inequity issue that currently impacts a community of people. We will discuss topics in class and paper guidelines will be posted on Canvas. Papers will be a minimum of 4 pages, in APA format with a minimum of 4 journal references.
April 27, 2021

research paper on the movie Onward that follows “the hero’s journey”

You will analyze a film that you feel closely follows the steps of Joseph Campbell’s mythic hero’s journey. Refer to the first handout I provided you for two examples, Star Wars and The Matrix. You will obviously need to research Joseph Campbell’s notions regarding the mythic hero’s journey. Campbell’s The […]
April 27, 2021

social media and its impacts

Writing prompt:   Around the US 2016 election, Russian entities set up and promoted fake Pages on Facebook to influence public sentiment — essentially using social media as an information weapon  (Links to an external site.) . Statistics on depression, anxiety, and even suicide rates of teenagers show a correlation with […]
April 27, 2021

Ethnographic Research Proposal

Conceptualize an ethnographic research project and develop a viable research proposal along these lines.  Research topic or question: Clearly identify the research topic or question that your project will address, for example, communication behavior in a mall or social interaction among dog owners in a dog park. Your topic should ideally […]
April 27, 2021

Public health issue

You will select a public health issue that you feel passionate about and identify two countries, states, counties, communities or time periods to compare. One example would be the health issue of childhood vaccination rates in time periods of 1997 and 2017. Or, you could look at infant mortality in […]
April 27, 2021

Compare and Contrast Essay

Students will write a 5 paragraph compare/contrast essay responding to the following essay prompt: Students will compare/contrast an “active student and a passive student”. If students incorporate outside information all in-text citations are to be properly cited, and if two or more outside sources are incorporated, then a proper Works […]