April 22, 2021

Wedlock Engineered Products Case Study

Summarize the case with identification of the key issues. Identity if using a RFQ was the right approach in this situation.  Provide at least 3 points to support your position.   What methods are used to measure supply savings, and is it the best method?  Why or why not? List the possible […]
April 22, 2021

War as an Engine of Change

How did the wars of the late 19th (Spanish-American) and 20th century re-shaped the United States politically, socially, and economically.
April 22, 2021

The contributions of the Arabs to European Civilization

What were the contributions of the Arabs to European Civilization? OR Contrast the development of absolutism in England and France.
April 22, 2021

Analysis of visual Argument

create a two-part 1200-word (combined) analysis of visual arguments. (Questions excerpted from Bostonian’s Purposeful Argument).  A. Evaluate Visual Arguments using questions in “Questions to Ask While Reading Visual Arguments”, (chapter 12), p. 300 of text. Conduct a search of your favorite internet sites on any related topic or use the […]
April 22, 2021

Network Security against cyber crime

Choose any topic that interests you, but your topic should be related to data communication and networking. Guidelines for the written report: o The length of your paper should be between 5 full pages (minimum) to 7 full pages (maximum). This does NOT include the title page, the reference page, […]
April 22, 2021

Iván Medina Area is a 50-year-old patient who lives in the Happy Patient Home in Cataño

Iván Medina Area is a 50-year-old patient who lives in the Happy Patient Home in Cataño. IMA He says he is a Catholic. Allergic to aspirin. Has a diagnosis of Schizophrenia Paranoid since his 25 years after a car accident in which he hit hard in the head. He is […]
April 22, 2021


Watch the film with your “multicultural eyes and ears”, taking notes and jotting down language and cultural examples. The analysis must have specific details about how the central characters develop an understanding of themselves and their world.  Include the following information in your report: Title of film and year of […]
April 22, 2021

Solutions to the Consumerism Crisis

write a 6-page-minimum, double-spaced, size-12-font synthesis paper on the topic below. Make sure that your paper has correct MLA format in-text citation and the Works Cited page (NOTE: ***the Works Cited page is excluded from the page limit***). Submit the paper to this folder by Tuesday, April 27, at 11:59pm EST.  Topic Draw from Thoreau’s Walden (1854), Norberg-Hodge’s Ancient Futures (2016), Schor’s The […]
April 22, 2021

The role of effective communication

Discuss the role of effective communication in relation to service delivery within the context of covid 19