April 22, 2021

Global Economic Flows: Production and Consumption

Global Economic Flows: Production and Consumption  Identify and describe the major barriers to global economic flows. Are they effective? Are they necessary?  Identify the major types of economic chains and networks involved in global trade. Offer examples to illustrate your answer.  Analyze the pros and cons of Gereffi’s global value […]
April 22, 2021

Primary Health Care

The aim of this assessment is of primary Health Care concepts and health promotion practice with a particular reference to the health of Indigenous Australians. A video concerning an Australian Indigenous community’s health project will be used as a trigger for students to respond to four (4) written questions about […]
April 22, 2021

Complete Questions based Research Questions

complete Questions 1-5 based on the following Research Questions: A) Do municipalities with fewer per capita single-parent households have lower unemployment rates? B) Is there a difference in student knowledge obtained via online versus traditional courses? C) Does a high frequency of social media exposure increase the likelihood of depression? […]
April 22, 2021

Growing up an only child/ growing up with siblings

Compare and contrast growing up an only child/ growing up with siblings
April 22, 2021


Explain in detail the four different forms of capital described by Bourdieu (Cultural, Social, Economic, and Symbolic). Give at least one example for each type of capital. Explain how these different forms of capital can contribute to inequality in the U.S. education system. What is intersectionality and why is it […]
April 22, 2021

Collins’ (1986) specific criticism of Sociology

What is Collins’ (1986) specific criticism of Sociology?
April 22, 2021

Sociology and  intersectionality in the past

How has sociology addressed  intersectionality in the past?
April 22, 2021

Criticisms of previous feminist movements (1890s-1920s and 1960s-1970s) in the United States

What are some of the criticisms of previous feminist movements (1890s-1920s and 1960s-1970s) in the United States (look at the Angela Davis reading and discussion)?
April 22, 2021

How Sexism intersect with classism and racism in the United States

How does Sexism intersect with classism and racism in the United States?