April 21, 2021

Philosophical analysis essay on Daniel & Frances Howard-Snyder – The Puzzle of Petitionary Prayer

Philosophical analysis essay on Daniel & Frances Howard-Snyder  – The Puzzle of Petitionary Prayer The main idea is to analyze the writers ideas and philosophical views without critiquing them at all. And to connect it to other philosophical views such as from Clifford or St. Anslem. And MLA please.
April 21, 2021

Argumentative essay on chosen topic

3-5-pages (no less, no more, not including your APA cover page or your reference page) arguing either for or against your chosen topic. You must take a stance on the given topic, you cannot argue both sides Be sure to follow the topic and the side you chose on the […]
April 21, 2021

Literature Review

For your Literature Review assessment, locate a minimum of ten peer-reviewed journal articles (published within the last 10 years) that discuss a biological psychology topic of interest to you (the same topic you’re using for your other assessments). For example, you might be interested in:  Neurobiology of ecstasy (MDMA) abuse. […]
April 21, 2021

Who Do You Say Jesus Is?

Based on Mark 8:29, please address each question below with complete sentences and clear, specific explanations. Select one teaching of Jesus from the following choices: Matthew 5:21-24; Matthew 5:43-48; Matthew 6:19-24; Matthew 7:15-23; Luke 15:1-32; John 13:1-17 and 34-35; or John 15:1-11. Answer the following questions with in-text citations from […]
April 21, 2021

Cultural/Historical Connections and Landscapes

Part 1: Cultural/Historical Connections and Landscapes: – Research one historical monument or cultural landmark for each of your two nations. It can be from the recent past. It can also be some type of building, prominent modern landmark, memorial, or national park. -Briefly, but providing specific details, describe the appearance […]
April 21, 2021

Global Energy Issues Paper

Read through Module Reading attached. This is the third and final module on energy issues, so by now you should understand the fundamental concepts of global energy issues, the physical principles of energy in buildings, and how buildings and their energy use fit into the global context. Write a paper […]
April 21, 2021

Learner-Centered Teaching Plan

Sarah and Matt have a 5 year old boy named Sam. Sam is “big” for his age with a BMI over the normal for a boy his age. Write learning objectives to guide your teaching of Sam’s family related to the importance of physical activity for maintain optimal weight in […]
April 21, 2021

Child Psychology Research Project Prospectus

Child Psychology Research Project Prospectus   Directions: The prompts listed below are meant to help you plan your project.  Respond to each prompt with a very brief, well-thought-out answer.  Remember that this prospectus is just a plan.  You will almost certainly change part of your plan, and you may even change […]
April 20, 2021

Race and ethnicity

1 Based on the flim, The Two Killings of Sam Cooke, briefly assess the antiracist contributions of Muhammad Ali, Jim Brown, Sam Cooke, and Malcolm X. How does Cooke compare in influence, both actual and potential, compared to the other three? 2 How and why did Brown v. The Board […]