April 20, 2021

Globalisation and localism

James Dean and Vivek Dehejia have argued: “Globalisation has always threatened localism. Localism is, in effect, the antithesis of globalisation. And democracy — meaning rule by the people – tends to vote for local interests, or at most national interests. So we should not be surprised that localism – or […]
April 20, 2021


James Dean has argued: “Globalization has brought macroeconomic prosperity and growth to every country that has embraced it. It has also brought puzzles and paradoxes. Many of these paradoxes arise because within the macro- economy, some benefit more than others. Other paradoxes arise because a society that abruptly elevates material […]
April 20, 2021

Approaches to development planning

“William Easterly has argued that technocratic, top-down approaches to development planning, such as embodied in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), are prone to failure, whereas a market-driven, laissez-faire approach to development policy is more likely to succeed, when looking at criteria such as economic growth or poverty reduction.” Do […]
April 20, 2021

Economic benefit-cost analysis

“While imperfect, economic benefit-cost analysis should be the basic test of the viability of a development project and thus should be a principal criterion for project evaluation.” Do you agree or disagree? Discuss critically.
April 20, 2021

An analytical response to Tongon’s book

write an analytical response to Tongon’s book. Throughout her book, Why Karen Carpenter Matters, Karen Tongson uses examples from her research and knowledge of music, alongside her personal perceptions and experiences, to help readers understand how “Karen Carpenter is, at once, my blessing and my burden” (xiii). Consider how Tongson […]
April 20, 2021

Design concepts

Compare and contrast the design concepts and spatial articulation of City Beautiful, Modernism, Postmodernism, and Post Post-modernism.
April 20, 2021


Apply a theory to a mental disorder (e.g., PTSD), a symptom (e.g., depression,), or a problem (e.g., domestic violence). The paper must integrate health and mental health issues. This is a scholarly paper, drawing upon empirical research and relevant literature, including neurobiology. Diversity issues must be addressed. (DETAILED PROMPT IN […]
April 20, 2021


The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on what you have learned about leadership and yourself through this course.  Based on what you have learned,  develop an answer the question: Why should anybody be led by you? Choose eight (8) of the following 12 topics: Transformational Leadership Authentic Leadership Servant Leadership Adaptive Leadership […]
April 20, 2021

Discussion Medieval Art & Architecture

First, Go to “Oxford Art Online(https://www.oxfordartonline.com/page/medieval-art-and-architecture)”  and choose one of the items in the Essays or Biographies section that looks interesting to you. You may need to log-in to read the entire article. If prompted to do so, choose Institutional Log-In on the left and type “Georgia State University” and […]