April 20, 2021

short essay

Max 2 pages of medium sized writing and must include at least one graph which should be incorporated into your essay. You will need to make use of information about the country you investigated(Uruguay) throughout the course to illustrate your essay (such as impacts faced and abatement strategies). You will […]
April 20, 2021

Drug abuse

write a 1-2-page research paper on Drug Abuse. Use APA format and utilize a non-bias, peer reviewed source (examples include dental or dental hygiene peer reviewed journals, nursing journal etc.). The paper needs to include Title page, introduction, uses and abuse of one or combination of drugs, and a reference […]
April 20, 2021

American History Research Paper

Ever since Thomas Jefferson wrote the memorable phrase, “All men are created equal”, America has endorsed the ideal of providing equality of opportunity for its population. Such equality of opportunity is supposed to make it possible for all Americans to live in safe and decent homes and neighborhoods, have enough […]
April 20, 2021

organized essay

Write a well-developed and clearly organized essay on ONE of the following prompts: 1. Lee describes the horrific living conditions of people in North Korea. Obviously, not everyone chooses to leave North Korea, and people have a variety of reasons for leaving.  However, I would like you to look at […]
April 20, 2021

How Christianity Propelled Colonization in Things Fall Apart

The first step to writing a research essay is the choice of a topic. The topic should be narrow and focused. Here is a bad example of a topic for a research paper: “An Analysis of Things Fall Apart.” Obviously, the topic is too broad. The topic should not only be […]
April 20, 2021

Probable cause scenario

Assume you are a police officer. As a police officer, create a scenario in which you have developed probable cause to obtain a search warrant. Summarize your investigation, specifically indicate your probable cause that a specific crime has been committed and that evidence of that crime is found at a […]
April 20, 2021

Entrepreneurship Inspired by Nature: Interdisciplinary Approaches

we have looked at various examples of design products that mimic nature. In this midterm assignment, you are asked to suggest and perhaps design and produce a product inspired by a phenomenon in nature. The most critical aspect of this exercise is exploring and mimicking a natural form or a […]
April 20, 2021

Common practical tool in helping clinicians begin to ethically analyze a case

This assignment will incorporate a common practical tool in helping clinicians begin to ethically analyze a case. Organizing the data in this way will help you apply the four principles and four boxes approach. Based on the “Case Study: Healing and Autonomy” and other required topic study materials, you will […]
April 20, 2021

Juvenile Justice

You are to write a 1500-2000 word analysis on a juvenile justice topic. The topic can be of your choosing.  The analysis must include at least three references to scholarly articles that appeared in academic journals or reports from government and/OR public policy organizations (with proper citation- APA Style).  Copies […]