April 19, 2021

Criminal justice

Course Spanning Task (CST) – Utilize the PACS APA Template with headings for both 10 page papers (the book report and the CST) in this course. You can locate and download the proper template on the course home page from the APA link. The Course Spanning Task is Due by […]
April 19, 2021

Urban Green Infrustucture

PROJECT PRESENTATION : On the final day of class you are required to present a brief summary and discussion of your project to the rest of the class. Use your presentation to cover the following: • A reminder of your project topic and its background; • The question(s) you decided to […]
April 19, 2021

The Future of the Internet

View Tim Berners-Lee’s TED talk, “A Magna Carta for the Web” (2014); it’s under 7 minutes long, you can view it on YouTube if you prefer, and there’s an Interactive Transcript also. You are strongly encouraged to also read or view one or more of the optional materials for this […]
April 19, 2021

Workplace Diversity

Prepare a >300 word essay on workplace diversity; it is about acknowledging differences and adapting work practices to create an inclusive environment in which diverse skills, perspectives, and backgrounds are valued. What training should companies provide their employees for the cultural diversity they will encounter as both an employee and […]
April 19, 2021

Culture and health (Aboriginal Australians)

Assessment One: Culture and Health 750word individual written assignment 20% of total mark Introduction In addition to learning about First Nations cultures and understandings of health, cultural safety requires nurses and midwives to undertake an ongoing process of cultural self-awareness, and to reflect on how cultural identity impacts on understandings […]
April 19, 2021

Managing finance

You are required to write an investigatory business report (2000 words) identifying problems and/or recommending solutions for improvement in the management of profitability, liquidity and/or efficiency of an existing business either from students’ own workplace or a public listed company (PLC). This would be carried out by using Ratio Analysis […]
April 19, 2021

Employee Engagement Survey

Your organization recently committed to measure and improve your workplace culture by conducting an employee engagement survey. As the HR Director, you just received the results of the survey. The survey results by general category and favorability score are as follows: Alignment with Organizational Vision: 80% Customer Focus: 94% Diversity […]
April 19, 2021

Workplace Violence

Write a paper that addresses the following: Describe possible workplace violence related liabilities and actions employers can take to limit such incidents. List and briefly describe the possible motivations for terrorism in accordance with the assigned readings. Technical Requirements Your paper must be at a minimum of 4-5 pages per […]
April 19, 2021

Effective management of employee relations

Effective management of employee relations is a critical element of a successful business. In your initial post, explain how employers should approach their treatment of employees and what they might expect from employees as a result.