April 16, 2021

Social justices

The purpose of this assignment is to develop critical thinking in an area of addiction/mental illness and social justice issues. Social justice issues have many faces and affect groups in different ways. In general, a social justice issue is about inequality: economic, racial, political, gender, health access, power, etc. For […]
April 16, 2021

Drug or alcohol addiction

Define and describe drug or alcohol addiction, a major problem during emerging adulthood. Do you know someone who has an addiction? How does it it impact their life?  If you don’t actually know someone who has an addiction, describe how it might impact a person’s life. Watch the video. What […]
April 16, 2021

African democracy

The essay question is; African struggles between the promise of democracy and the hazard of corruption? if democracy is what many people in African want, why is it so difficult to realize?
April 16, 2021

The Piano 1993 Movie Analysis

Write a 700 to 800-word response that critically reflects on this week’s film and at least one reading from the week. Relate them to each other and connect them to the broader themes of the course. If there was no assignment last week, you may write about either this week’s […]
April 16, 2021

Race and employment

The essay is the major assignment for this course. The essay must be a holistic work that demonstrates considerable research, writing and thinking. The following elements are important in an effective, analytical paper: a. Title page b. Introduction c. Thesis statement d. Course concepts e. Organizational arrangement f. Analysis and […]
April 16, 2021

Comparison and contrast essay

Compare any poem we’ve read, or one of your own choosing (NOT song lyrics), with Wordsworth’s “Preface.”  and… Be sure to include the following information: Describe the main points in Wordsworth’s theory. Determine the relevance of Wordsworth’s theory to the poem you’ve selected or written. Support your position using direct […]
April 16, 2021


Identify a situation in which you choose mediation as your preferred method of dispute resolution. Why is mediation the best method in the situation you chose? What are the benefits and drawbacks of mediation in that situation? Must be 2 pages.
April 16, 2021

Enviormental science

1. what is climate change and what started it all? 2. where does all the carbon we release go 3. what effects does this have on the planet, on ecosystems, on us? 4.how can we try to reduce greenhouse gas emissions AND how much fast do we need to do […]
April 16, 2021

Details in film or cover any of our readings

You can go into details in film or cover any of our readings or just reflect on anything of importance to you at the time.   Writing reflectively is more about process than finished product.  To promote this sense, I do not consider grammar or style; and I do not recommend […]