April 16, 2021


Explore the Racial Dot Map (https://demographics.virginia.edu/DotMap/  (Links to an external site.) ) – you can zoom in and out, look at your home town, etc. Submit a 1-2 page response paper about what you see/learn on the map.  Be sure to connect what you look at to the lecture provided […]
April 16, 2021

Thesis, and Research Proposal

Work with your professor to select a suitable topic for your research paper. You are required to write a research paper of 2,500– 3,000 words.   Your instructor must approve your research topic by April 12   Prepare your Topic, Thesis, Research Proposal and Working Outline (see page 125- Survival, Sixth Edition) by April […]
April 16, 2021

The Friendly Dawg

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies: Apply relevant aspects of law to current business situations Differentiate between matters of law and matters of ethics in business situations Scenario The Friendly Dawg is a retail pet supply store owned by Dave Dawgs. Dave has worked […]
April 16, 2021

Persuasive/analytical essay in Omniscient POV/third-person POV

OBJECTIVE: This essay will serve as an introduction to research and MLA formatting as you will locate and cite sources of information to support your arguments. INSTRUCTIONS: Write an effective, grammatically sound persuasive/analytical essay in Omniscient POV/third-person POV, minimum 1,000 words in length, double-spaced, with 12 point font and 1-inch […]
April 16, 2021

Management information system

answer each question in a paragraph:  What are the components of the Cash Flow Statement and how is the Cash Flow Statement used to tell if the company is a good investment? Caterpillar is the world’s leading maker of earth-moving machinery and supplier of agricultural equipment. Caterpillar wants to end […]
April 16, 2021

PowerPoint project on Booker T. Washington

This is a PowerPoint project on Booker T. Washington. It must not look like a PowerPoint but a magazine article or educational poster instead. It must catch the readers eye and make them want to learn all about the 13th Amendment. The project must be 10 slides long with all […]
April 16, 2021

Organizational Design

This paper should be 6-8 double-spaced pages in 12-point font. Please cite references as appropriate.   You have been hired as consultants to a manager in a health care organization.  For this paper use a Pharmacy as the health care organization.  Discuss the current organizational structures, work processes, and cultural […]
April 16, 2021

Film Analysis Paper on Scott Pilgrim v. The World

Film Analysis(3-5pageslong; minimum 1 outside source)This paper will be a focused film analysis in which you illuminate a theme or multiple themes of a film through analysis. Films are composed of the same elements as written fiction: character, setting, perspective, narration, symbolism, imagery, etc. However, film is a visual/aural medium […]
April 16, 2021

Philosophy essay

The prompt to answer is as follows: In the first body paragraph explain and identify what is meant by an important philosophical question or issue. In the second body paragraph explain and identify 4 questions as examples and explain them briefly (1-3 sentences each). Please choose these four questions: 1-Why […]