April 15, 2021


Use of secondary sources for this assignment, other than the excerpt included below from the secondary source being assessed, is not recommended.  Comment upon this secondary-source excerpt in relation to the primary text/movie being referenced in the chosen excerpt – and that we read or viewed in class.  Comment on […]
April 15, 2021

College Distance Education Courses

College Distance Education Courses: Evaluating Benefits and Costs from Institutional, Faculty and Students’ Perspectives” discusses the pros and cons of distance learning courses.
April 15, 2021


You are a prosecutor assigned to a District Attorney’s office in a major urban area. You have a very full case load. You specialize in drug and violent crime investigations. Consider each of the following scenarios. Offer an opinion as to whether the actions are legal, and support your answer. […]
April 15, 2021

Ethical policy

There are ethical challenges in every aspect of the criminal justice system. Administrators are responsible for setting the tone for ethical conduct in the administration and operation of their agency. You are to assume the role of the head (Chief, Director, Warden, etc.) of a fictitious criminal justice agency; e.g., […]
April 15, 2021

Analysis of Speech

Your analysis should consist of: 1. A brief overview of the rhetorical situation – i.e., a basic sketch of the immediate historical context informing the speech act or debate. You should conclude this section with a brief overview of the rhetor’s likely objective: e.g., “Given this situation, Obama’s goals were probably twofold: […]
April 15, 2021

Music Documentary

1. DISCUSSION: Reflection of 2 videos Katy Perry: Part of Me (YouTube/Amazon Prime) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsKE70vZzSw Meeting People is Easy: A Documentary about Radiohead https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkbDkFFpyrE Choosing an example that is important to you, discuss the representation of popular music, stardom, and legacy in music documentary. How do current ideas about gender, race, sexuality, class and mental […]
April 15, 2021

recent article or video describing a new product in development

Find a recent article or video describing a new product in development. Describe the following: What need is the new product trying to fill? Do you think it will meet that need? What type of innovation does the new product represent? What kind of process do you think will be […]
April 15, 2021

Creating a model to detect malware using supervised learning algorithms

TASK: You are to train your selected supervised machine learning algorithms using the master dataset provided, and compare their performance to each other and to TOBORRM’s initial attempt to classify the samples.  Part 1 – General data preparation and cleaning.  a) Import the MLDATASET_PartiallyCleaned.xlsx into R Studio. This dataset is […]
April 15, 2021

how the pandemic has affected our nonverbal communication. (non verbal category: Environment)

how the pandemic has affected our nonverbal communication. Your final product will be a discussion of ideas and research and a time to pose questions for further study or observation.