April 15, 2021

Racism effects on the quality of medical care

The culmination of this course is the Research Essay, which will demonstrate the skills you’ve developed over the semester. Once you have completed your preliminary research, had your topic approved, and familiarized yourself with the literature available on this topic, you now will make a central claim about what you’ve […]
April 15, 2021

Interview research paper on the field of teaching

For this paper, you will conduct an interview with an individual whose skills, knowledge, or experiences seem pertinent to the argument of your second essay, and then creating a 2-3 page essay based on an argument you make about the field that they are in or related to the type […]
April 15, 2021

Juvenile Justice

Over the past several years we have seen examples of significant crimes which have been committed by juveniles across the country.  Do you think that public expectations of the juvenile justice system have been altered due to the widespread exposure the cases have received?
April 15, 2021

political debate

Look at a past political debate. Evaluate the persuasive strategies used.  Discuss argumentative tactics.  How does each opponent poke holes in the other’s argument? How are fallacies used? Share any other insights you deem necessary.
April 15, 2021


The assignment is to select and analyze a professional journal article from a high-quality peer-reviewed journal on Pollution.
April 15, 2021

Historical meeting between Hernan Cortes and Aztec Emperor Moctezuma.

Your first writing assignment is divided into two parts. First, you will analyze and interpret several paintings depicting Hernan Cortes and the Aztecs. To  view these paintings, go to our Canvas site under the module “Writing  Assignments” section, click on the PowerPoint file “Hist 108 Writing  Assignment #1 Cortes and […]
April 15, 2021

POLICY ANALYSIS (Violence Against Women Act)

POLICY ANALYSIS (Violence Against Women Act) Identify strengths and weaknesses of the policy Violence Against Women Act.  Does the policy(VAWA) strategies adequately address the problem?  Discuss how the policy(VAWA) is designed to reduce marginalization, oppression and/or discrimination.
April 15, 2021

Screenplay writing

The script should contain: – creating characters (at least two), – a situation with a problem presented as soon as possible in the scene,  – development of a conflict precipitated by that problem,  – a climax that leads to some kind of resolution or pay-off that either solves the problem […]
April 15, 2021

House of Seventy-Two Tenants

House of Seventy-Two Tenants  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elWEFDqTf7s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92wLqdF_xKA https://www.lovehkfilm.com/reviews_2/house_of_72_tenants.htm feedback from the last assignment: Please cite the author and the paper title properly. The conclusion is incoherent with the previous analysis and requires further explanation.  Reading is in the file LTEA 120C: Hong Kong Films Instructions on Assignments • Purpose: to cultivate […]