April 14, 2021

Journal of Marketing Research

Write a two-page report about an empirical research article from one of the two most recent issues of the following top three marketing journals listed here: Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, or Journal of Consumer Research. The article you select must involve an empirical investigation (including a data […]
April 14, 2021

japan criminal system

In this assignment you will find yourself in Rssia as a criminal! In the scenario and analysis you create you will truly be an international criminal. The “crime” committed can be of your choosing is long as it is illegal in the country we are studying.
April 14, 2021


The paper must address in–depth a specific issue relating to the course. In other words, your paper must be grounded in and linked directly to, the concepts discussed in the course or within the readings. It is expected to be written and presented with the strongest consideration given to academic […]
April 14, 2021

Mean Comparison

Consider the following hypothesis and mean comparison results table. Ha: In a comparison of tourist attractions, national parks have more visitors, on average, than national monuments. Mean visitors at national parks and monuments 1. What is the null hypothesis (H0)? 2. What is the dependent variable? 3. What is the […]
April 14, 2021


Consider the following hypothesis and cross-tab results table. Ha: In a comparison of countries, countries with a high level of GDP are less likely to engage in civil war than countries with a low level of GDP. Presence of Civil War by Level of GDP Note: Cell entries are percentages […]
April 14, 2021

One Like Away from Suicide: The Influence of Tiktok

Purpose: To highlight the association between suicide and social media platforms such as tiktok Thesis: The Tiktok platform and its negative impacts on the psychological well being of young people reveals that it is one of the main contributors in suicide caused by social media usage. Because of these substantial […]
April 14, 2021

History of Canadian Trade

What contribution did trade make to the development of Canada? Highlight the historical role of the Hudson’s Bay Company in your discourse. (Use the information on Pages 9 -16 as the basis of your report.)
April 14, 2021

The bombing of pearl harbor and how it made sense in japanese perspective

The bombing of pearl harbor and how it made sense in japanese perspective Include additional works cited  Must clearly state thesis which is underlined and within introduction Must use 4 different reliable sources. No Wikipedia sources used can be books periodicals websites and documentaries  Must use at least one non […]
April 14, 2021

Islamic Approaches to Environmentalism

Write an argumentative essay on the central theme of the course : Abrahamic approaches to consumption/simplicity/wastefulness. Your essay should include references to sacred texts and incorporate real – world examples from faith communities and/or environmental organizations. Y our paper must include a thesis statement, a clear introduction providing a brief […]