April 12, 2021

Emergency Preparedness

Write a briefing note for employers in the UK construction industry, management of properties and manufacturers companies, about Emergency Preparedness describing and explaining the law, guidance, code of practice and any relevant cases in the UK where there was a prosecution.  In reference to the HSE website https://www.hse.gov.uk.  What is emergency preparedness? […]
April 12, 2021

Collaborative Supervision Presentation

Provide a presentation over your supervisory evaluation related to collaborative. Include who you supervise, where, what event, and then explain your supervisory process. You should follow the guidelines from the lecture chapter reading over collaborative chapter 9, and P.466. Also, make sure you include your supervisory notes and discussed in […]
April 12, 2021

Annotated bibliography

Just explanation for the citation down below   Kelly, Jack. “The Unintended Consequences of Raising Minimum Wage To $15.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 10 July 2019. Web. 12 Apr. 2021. Luhby, Tami. “CBO Says Raising Minimum Wage to $15 Would Reduce Poverty but Increase the Deficit and Cost Jobs.” CNN. Cable News […]
April 12, 2021

Demand Analysis Memo

Coca-cola  Potential Buyers.  Market potential can be estimated by determining the number of possible consuming or purchasing units and the consumption rate of each unit.  For example, if the product/service is health care provided by a family practice center, population data (number of potential users) could be obtained from government […]
April 12, 2021

Middle East and South Asia English

Choose 2 selection from this unit. *the ramayana by valmiki *”my father writes to my mother” by assia djebar *”another evening at the club” by alifa rifaat *”the happy man” by naguib mahfouz *”the swimming contest” by Benjamin Tammuz *”the women’s baths” by ulfat al-idlibi what did you learn about […]
April 12, 2021

Company and Stock Analysis

An annual report is a comprehensive statement describing a company’s activities throughout the preceding year. Annual reports are intended to provide shareholders and other interested stakeholders informed about the company’s activities and financial performance. All public corporations must provide shareholders with a financial report every year so that shareholders understand […]
April 12, 2021

GG Freightways (GGFRT) IT Strategic Plan

The GG Freightways (GGFRT) ITSP Part 2 Assignment is due at the end of this week.  The assignment instructions are attached. The Case Study is posted under Course Resources > Case Study.  Use the Case Study as the background to develop your assignment.  Also review feedback from the Part 1 assignment to […]
April 12, 2021

Media and society

Students should attempt to find articles that relate to both the main research topic and each other. There should be at least 20 solid academic sources and no more than 2-3 trade publication, and/or news article sources. While the literature review will make up the largest part of the paper, […]
April 12, 2021

Business and society

1. What are negative externalities, and how might government regulation be used to address them? Explain using an example (real or fictitious) that is not described in the textbook. 2.In your opinion, should businesses be involved in politics? Explain your answer. 3.How do the three types of corporate political strategy […]