July 21, 2021

Políticas Económicas

Evalúe cómo los gobiernos utilizan las políticas económicas para influenciar la economía de sus países, mientras emplea el vocabulario del taller correctamente en un ensayo corto de no más de dos páginas. Macroeconomía Política macroeconómica Instrumentos de política económica Política monetaria Teoría económica Producción agregada y ciclos económicos Política fiscal Políticas de oferta Inflación […]
July 21, 2021

Executive summary

write an executive summary detailing the supply chain management. his project has four part which the summary should cover: 1. final paper pages in length, detailing your findings relational to , a WO analysis, and your projections for the future. 2. brief video minutes using the platform of your choice […]
July 21, 2021

Income, Consumption and Investment

From the references described in the module, and the suggested resources for the course, choose an article that deals with a country’s income as a determinant of consumption and savings. Once you have analyzed it, write a short critical review (maximum of 500 words) in which you identify the main […]
July 21, 2021

Argumentative essay based on class lecture

1.What do you think the main topic we studied? and Why? (not a list of subjects, but the most important for you and why they are important. 2. What are the main differences between regular , mass market company and a Luxury one? and why?
July 21, 2021

Ingreso, Consumo e Inversión.

Ingreso, Consumo e Inversión. De las referencias descritas en el módulo, y los recursos sugeridos para el curso, escoja un artículo que trate sobre el ingreso de un país como determinante del consumo y del ahorro. Una vez analice el mismo, escriba una breve reseña crítica (máximo de 500 palabras) […]
July 21, 2021


Julia is considering establishing a business providing children’s art classes. She will be investing all her savings in the new venture. She will need to buy art equipment and lease a property. She asks Emma, a close friend, to help her run the classes. Emma is keen to do so […]
July 20, 2021

Research Report PowerPoint Presentation

in 10-12 slides, including the title and reference slides, outline your research proposal he effects that caring for a loved one suffering from Schiophrenia has on family and friends to present to your classmates. Speaer notes are reuired to provide additional information for your bullet points. lease see the attached […]
July 20, 2021

aspects of Gulliver’s Travels

What aspects of Gulliver’s Travels still make it a meaningful work for children in spite of its heavy political and historical content? You may focus on theme, symbol, characters, or whatever else you feel is appropriate. what can we assume about the way 18thcentury children were educated and raised based […]
July 20, 2021


In Spanish, tell me about your favorite latin restaurant. By ”latinx restaurant”,  l mean any restaurant with its roots from a country in the Spanish speaking world. Example: Los Bravos Mexican restaurant, Papi’s Cuban, Eclipse de unaSpanish tapas, Cylantro’s eneuelan rill, etc.