June 7, 2021

role of populism

Is the primary role of populism to course-correct dysfunctional democracies? On the whole, do the benefits of populism (i.e. increased civic engagement and representation) outweigh the cons (i.e. irrational, emotion-based decision making)?
June 7, 2021

classical and political liberalism

From historical, cultural, philosophical, and moral standpoints, is classical liberalism in the Western world a good or bad philosophy? What about John Rawls’ political liberalism? How do scholars from non Western cultures see both classical and political liberalism?
June 7, 2021

How to find a balance in various research methods use

(1) the balance when it comes to applying qualitative, quantitative or both research methods (number of them) ? (2) Which methods are more efficient (whether it is better to use quantitative research methods first supplying them by qualitative ones or other way) ? (3) Where is the limit for expanding our research – is it infinite […]
June 7, 2021

the distinction Aristotle made between monarchy, oligarchy and democracy

Aristotle wrote in Politics III the following sentences: “But there are difficulties about these forms of government, and it will therefore be necessary to state a little more at length the nature of each of them. For he who would make a philosophical study of the various sciences, and does […]
June 7, 2021

autocratic leadership

Do autocratic leaders always amass power through corrupt practices? Is this corruption necessarily financial in nature, or can it be solely political? Is there such thing as a lawful autocrat?
June 7, 2021

One person’s reform is another person’s repression

One person’s reform is another person’s repression. In the late 1950s the top tax rate in America was 90%, President Kennedy dropped this significantly, and what followed in the 1960s the American economy boomed. Is cutting the top tax rate a reform? Or does it just aid the richest Americans? […]
June 7, 2021

new federal legislation

What were the chief problems, and what new federal legislation was passed to meet those problems? What did these problems have to do with the rapid post-Civil War industrialization of the country? What roles did the American Civil War play in the emergence of the Gilded Age (1870-1890)? Why did […]
June 7, 2021

Among the features considered as a hallmark of the researcher

Among the features considered as a hallmark of the researcher is impartiality (objectivity, neutrality). Many scholars have got clearly defined political views or are followers of a religion. Does this not interfere with the study of politics in their own country or their religion/denomination? Is it possible to reconcile one’s […]
June 7, 2021

effects of technological transformation

Outline effects of technological transformation on role, activities, impact tools, structure and operation of think tanks in the future, discussing key issues.