May 31, 2021

instruments of state intervention

What instruments of state intervention are applied in your country as part of a pro-development, anti-crisis, counter-cyclical, Keynesian socio-economic policy and pro-social housing policy?
May 31, 2021

main determinants of the development of electromobility and autonomous cars technology 

What are the main determinants of the development of electromobility and autonomous cars technology?
May 31, 2021

How do you increase the efficiency of state delivery of public goods?

How do you increase the efficiency of state delivery of public goods?
May 31, 2021

Human Resource Department

What do you mean by Human Resource Department? Discuss
May 31, 2021

Women as victims of war

Introduce the purpose and what you intend to address in the paper. Definition of sexual violence historically. Two explanations of sexual violence against women in war. How sexual violence against women in war will be addressed in the future. Suggest implications for how social work might address the difference in […]
May 31, 2021

The pros and cons of entrepreneurship and innovation

Entrepreneurship and innovation are always good! Critically evaluate this claim drawing from implications of entrepreneurship and innovations on the economy, welfare, and sustainability. Discuss the implications of public policy with respect to entrepreneurship and innovation.
May 31, 2021

Sammy agreed to sell and Larry agreed to buy Sammy’s car for $400, payable upon delivery

Sammy agreed to sell and Larry agreed to buy Sammy’s car for $400, payable upon delivery. Sammy delivered and left the car with Larry. However, Larry failed to pay Sammy the $400. After eight years had passed following the delivery and acceptance of the car by Larry, Sammy sued Larry […]
May 31, 2021

role of HR department

Discuss the role of HR department in evaluating human resources effectiveness
May 31, 2021

On May 1, 2005, Eckerly Realty Inc. mailed a written offer to Masse for the sale of an officebuilding

On May 1, 2005, Eckerly Realty Inc. mailed a written offer to Masse for the sale of an office building. The offer included an express term that it would expire on June 30, 2005 if the acceptance was not delivered into the hands of the offeror by the expiration date. […]