Assume that your proposal to do research has met with success, and you will be paid to do the proposed research project. Commence researching as you were asked to by your employer for the topic you selected. As you do your research, you are asked to:
Keep research notes – you do not have to use notecards if you do not like them. But you should in some way create detailed and careful research notes. If this seems like a lot of work, remember that you are writing your report as you take notes. Keeping careful notes means you document the source you take information from, paraphrase and summarize most of what you read, and you (very occasionally) quote – but only quote when the voice of the author is important for your readers to “hear.” Do NOT quote just to avoid having to paraphrase or summarize information.
You are required to have at least three (3) scholarly and/or reliable sources for your annotated bibliography. Expect your sources to be judged using the criteria for high-quality sources found in Chapter 5. Write an annotated bibliography that tells your audience what sources you have located by the due date. Submit the annotated bibliography with a short status report informing your manager at what point you are at in the research project.