Write an essay in which you discuss the value of “presentation of self” in qualitative research. In your answer, explain what roles embodiment and the body play in ethnography and how the social characteristics of the interview and interviewer impact the interview process. Consider how presentation of self, the body, and identity can both facilitate and hinder research in both ethnography and interviewing. Support your answer with two two concretely detailed examples, one for ethnography and one for interviewing.
(YOU MUST USE THE BOOK ‘Warren and Karner’ PLEASE”
1. Define representation and explain why it is critically important in qualitative research. Support your answer with two examples from beyond the textbook.
2. Explain the complex relationship between between researcher and citizen. Please illuminate the relationship with two examples from beyond the text.
3.Explain the idea of “informed consent.” What may be some challenges in communicating this concept to research subjects? Identify two with concrete examples.
4.Explain the concepts of photo-voice and photo-elicitation, with an example for each. The example should be from beyond the textbook.