Learning Competency: Compare the organization, structure and function of health care, public health and regulatory systems across national and international settings. Module 13 : Prepare a research paper on on Medical Tourism and the comparison of four OECD countries and their organization, structure and function of health care, public health and regulatory systems. Prepare a research paper on the structure of the health industry, the structure of the public health industry, public health and regulatory systems, and the capacity of the target country to deliver care for patients traveling for medical tourism. Prepare a research paper on both the health care industry and the public health industry of four (4) Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries to determine whether United States patients should travel there for medical tourism. Students will assume that patients traveling to the country will be paying out of pocket for their care and that they are able to cover their own transportation. Students will assume that the conditions are routine non-complicated surgical procedure. Step 1: Identify four (4) OECD counties for which there is sufficient articles and information in the literature regarding their public health care system and the health care industry. Step 2: Develop a profile of the public health systems and the health care industry for each of the four OECD countries. For instance, identify whether health care is financed and / or delivered by the government, a combination of private and public efforts, or whether it is primarily a private industry. Identify the major ways in which healthcare is financed. Identify the regulatory and patient safety agencies that regulate and monitor health care. Identify whether hospitals, clinics, and physicians are private or public employees, or a combination of both. Identify whether health insurance for the public is through the government, employers, or a combination of both. Regarding the public health industry for the counties, identify the primary source of delivery, finance, and regulation of the public health industry. Step 3: Identify which country you would recommend that your family member travel to for a non-complicate procedure assuming that travel and lodging costs are not an issue. Students will assume that the conditions are routine non-complicated surgical procedures, such as hernia repair, knee replacement, hip replacement, or rotator cuff repair. Identify which county is preferrable in terms of its health care and patient safety. Identify which country is best due to its public health care programs. The paper will be a maximum of five (5) pages, not including title page and Reference page. One inch margin, 12 pt font, double spaced. Submit only one file to the dropbox on D2L