Assessment One: Culture and Health 750word individual written assignment 20% of total mark Introduction In addition to learning about First Nations cultures and understandings of health, cultural safety requires nurses and midwives to undertake an ongoing process of cultural self-awareness, and to reflect on how cultural identity impacts on understandings of health and what is considered appropriate healthcare. This assignment requires you firstly to discuss the influence of cultural determinants on the health and wellbeing of First Nations people. You will then be asked to meaningfully reflect on your own cultural identity and how your identity impacts on your personal health beliefs and the choices you make regarding your health. To maximise your marks, carefully review the assignment instructions (including the ‘TIPS’ provided for each section) and the marking rubric to ensure you fully understand the requirements. You are encouraged to have the instructions/marking rubric in front of you as you work on each assignment task. Irrelevant discussion which does not address the specific requirements of the assignment is simply wasting your word allowance since no marks can be awarded for information that does not directly relate to the assignment task. The amount of discussion (number of words) for each section should match the marks allocated for that part of the assignment, i.e. each of the 2 parts for this assignment is worth 8 marks and therefore should be approximately the same number of words (roughly 375 words for each part). Before you commence writing your assignment please review e-Book 2 page 2 as you will be expected to use correct terminology throughout your academic work. Marks will be deducted from the written communication section should incorrect/inappropriate terminology be used. Assignments must be submitted electronically via the Turnitin submission link in the Assessment Section on LMS. Please submit by 5pm (1700hours) on the due date as shown in the Table on page 4. This assessment task aligns with the following Subject Intended Learning Outcomes: 1. Describe the key features of Australian First Nations culture and history and apply an understanding of diversity within the First Nations population to person-centered care. 2. Describe First Nations concepts of health and healing, and analyse how interconnected physical, social, historical, political and cultural factors impact on health outcomes. 3. Describe the meaning of cultural safety in relation to improving health outcomes for First Nations people and critically analyse how it influences effective nursing and midwifery practices, and health service delivery. Instructions Part 1: Cultural Determinants of Health and wellbeing for First Nations people 8 marks (of a total of 20) The Mayi Kuwayu Study is a ground-breaking national study exploring what culture means to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and aims to create greater understanding of how culture affects health and wellbeing outcomes. The first part of the study involved a review of the existing published evidence to identify cultural determinants of health and wellbeing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The six broad cultural domains identified in this study are; 1. Connection to Country 2. Cultural Beliefs and Knowledge 3. Language 4. Family, kinship and community 5. Cultural Expression and Continuity 6. Self-determination and Leadership Choose one of the cultural domains listed above and discuss how it impacts positively on the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (First Nations) peoples. Integrate material from credible published sources through effective paraphrasing to support your discussion. Ensure you appropriately acknowledge your sources of information with in-text referencing. Direct quotes can be included but take care not to overuse; APA guidelines suggest that direct quotes should make up no more than 10% of your discussion on a particular topic. The integration of adequate and appropriate references is included in the marks allocated for this part of the assignment. TIPS: Your discussion must be informed by evidence. Resources relating to the Mayi Kuwayu Study can be found in e-Book 4. The discussion needs to specifically relate to the impact of the chosen cultural domain on health and wellbeing. First Nations understandings of health are holistic and multi-dimensional therefore the discussion can relate to physical, mental, emotional, social, cultural, spiritual and/or economical health & wellbeing. References used to support your discussion must relate specifically to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (not Indigenous peoples from other countries, especially Canada who also use the terms Aboriginal, Indigenous, First Nations). Remember to match your word count to the marks allocated for this part. This part should be roughly 375 words Part 2: Reflecting on your own culture and understanding of health. 8 marks (of a total of 20) Identify and describe how aspects of your own cultural identity influence your personal health beliefs (what does health and wellbeing mean to you) and your personal choices of health management (how you keep well and what you do when you get sick) – Italian Culture Your discussion should include but not be limited to ethnicity – use the Diversity Wheel highlighted in e-Book 1 and Workshop 1 for ideas about other aspects of cultural identity you might wish to discuss. TIPS: Personal reflections and discussions should be expressed in first person and do not require referencing. A strong response in this part of this assignment will demonstrate you have thought about where your personal ideas on health come from and what influences the choices you make about your own healthcare. Your reflection needs to discuss both your health beliefs and choice of health management. Everybody has a cultural background/identity which influences their worldview, their beliefs and the choices they make in life – recognising this is an important aspect of developing cultural awareness. The Diversity Wheel is designed to get you thinking about the different factors that can make up a person’s cultural identity and influence values, beliefs and behaviours. Remember to match your word count to the marks allocated for this part. This part should be roughly 375 words Assignment Format Written Communication: 2.0 marks (of a total of 20) Include a cover page which provides the following information: subject code and title of assignment, full name, student number, Clinical School/Campus, and word count. An introduction and conclusion are not required Use headings to separate Parts 1 & 2 but do not include the instructions for each part of the assignment. The discussion must be presented using academic assignment format with attention to good paragraph structure, grammar, Australian spelling and formal academic expression. It is important to link sentences to establish the flow of ideas and there should be no single sentence paragraphs in an academic paper. Use 1.5 or double line spacing Dot point format is not acceptable Stay within the word count +/- 10% (675 – 825words) In-text citations are included in the total word count. Appropriate terminology related to First Nations people is required – see e-Book 2 for information and resources on appropriate terminology. Try to avoid terms like ‘they’, ‘them’ and ‘their’ when referring to First Nations people. It is important to be specific about who you are referring to and to not use ‘othering’ terms. ‘Othering’ means any actions or words by which an individual or group becomes mentally classified in somebody’s mind as ‘not one of us’ or ‘not normal’. ‘Othering’ language implies a ‘us’ and ‘them’ mentality that suggests the differences between people are undesirable, rather than something positive to be celebrated. Referencing: 2.0 marks (of a total of 20) References are not required for Part 2 but for Part 1 a minimum of 3 references are required with a minimum of 1 peer-reviewed journal article. Use peer reviewed journals, grey literature sources, credible websites and textbooks relevant to the discussion. References used should be acknowledged in-text using APA version 6 formatting. Provide a full list of end-text references using APA Version 6 formatting. Ensure all in-text references are included in the end-text reference list and all references in the end-text list have been used in-text.