Subject: Leadership.
Topic: Gender Differences in Leadership.
Academic Level : Bachelor.
Paper details;
Research topic is Gender Differences in Leadership’
Assignment Overview
This assignment is intended to help you establish a foundation for future assignments in the course, culminating with the final term project, the Research Proposal. It will provide context and scope for future inquiry, including the Digital Content Analysis and the Annotate Bibliography.
Assignment Description
Initial Research Proposal/Research Question: Identify a research question you want to answer. Discuss why this question is important substantively, and for leadership studies and/or other social sciences. Be as specific as you can be about the location, time period, and population for which you hope to answer your question, and discuss some ways you might find an answer to your questions through the pilot projects over the course of the semester, as well as some possible limitations or pitfalls you might encounter in your research.
Assignment Requirements
• In 2-3 pages, introduce your leadership-related research topic, your specific research question, including the significance of the question (that is, why this area of study is important and worthy of exploration and/or how it will impact the community and/or expand our knowledge on a topic). Additionally, discuss how you will align future assignments (see the syllabus) to answer and/or refine your research question.
• Submission must be formatted in Microsoft Word and saved with the following file name: Last Name_LDRS3401_Research Question
• APA Formatting Required: double spaced, Times New Roman, size 12 font with 1 inch margins, include page numbers, include a separate title page and reference page
Grading Criteria
• Content (10 pts)
o Detailed description of the research question
o Clear rationale for the significance of the research question (why does this matter?)
o Cite at least one peer-reviewed article on the topic you have chosen in your rationale
o Explanation of targets for future assignments (how will you apply future assignments to answering this research question?)
• Adherence to APA Formatting (3 pts)
• Overall Quality (2 pts)
Total Possible Points: 15 pts