Watch the film with your “multicultural eyes and ears”, taking notes and jotting down language and cultural examples. The analysis must have specific details about how the central characters develop an understanding of themselves and their world. Include the following information in your report: Title of film and year of release Setting (time and place) of the film General premise of the film (do not rehash the whole movie). Give some background on the ELLs/immigrants in the film. What do we need to understand before you continue with your analysis? What types of struggles do they face related to cultural differences with others in the mainstream or dominant culture? Stereotypes? Discrimination? Loss of status? What struggles do the ELLs/immigrants have related to language (acquisition, use, miscommunication)? How do/did the immigrants contribute to the setting in which they lived? What parts of the film did you most strongly empathize with, or conversely, what parts did you react against? Do you think the film presented a well-informed perspective of the culture in focus? What was the tone of the film? Give concrete examples from the film to support the points you are trying to make.