Paper details
Objective: Analyze health policy and the policy-making process.
Explore how to impact one’s community.
Explore the literature and support your ideas with scholarly sources/supporting literature.
Pick an issue of concern related to your community.
Explain why it is concerning?
Who does it affect and why?
What would you base the health policy being initiated on?
Write a letter to your local or state representatives expressing your concern.
Include the following information in your proposal.
Ability to creatively engage the interest of the community by the name of the campaign and your 3-primary objectives
Name your campaign
Identify the main 3 points/objectives of your campaign.
Understanding of the community partners and stakeholders needed to ensure the success of your cause
Identify community partners to help with your campaign.
Identify stakeholders.
Ability to cite the extent of the resources needed and the time frame to develop the community awareness campaign
Name the resources you will need.
Knowledge of the steps involved in evaluating the success of your campaign or what is needed to improve in the
Establish a task list
Assign responsibilities.
Define a timeline.
Describe an evaluation process ( you may want to review some ways healthcare organizations evaluate
implementing change)
You can present this info in any format: paragraph format, table format, infographic, etc.
The only formatting required is in the references and the correlating in-text citations ~ these must be in APA format.
Follow the specific grading rubric for each option.
Note: If you are including a narrative: The narrative should be approx. 300-500 words with at least 3 scholarly
references that support your ideas.
APA 7th edition format is mandatory for references
Include at least three scholarly sources from peer-reviewed journals, no older than 3 yrs old.
Prepare a reference list of all resources and websites used in your research using APA 7th ed guidelines (please
note: If you include them in your reference list, you must cite the source in your paper) ~ No abstract needed
Limit of 1 direct quotation with no more than 18 words
Use headings/subtitles to organize your content