This is to expand student’s exposure to relevant IT Risk Security tools. DONT PICK Wireshark tool and SpiceWorks and Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection. Navigate to (Links to an external site.) and pick a security tool. There are many free or limited functionality tools available for downloading. Students should pick a tool and do some research on that tool. That may include installing it onto the student’s own system (optional) or using the tool online or just doing research on how the tool works. Do not use the tool, that was downloaded, to target any system that you do not own or have permission to use the tool on. Do NOT target anything on the Internet. Students should only target their own system/s. NOTE: It is not a requirement that students download and install a tool. Students will then consider the following about their experience: 1. What tool was chosen 2. Tool’s purpose/functionality (what is the tool meant to be able to do?) 3. Student’s experience/research using such a tool