LOVE. Compare, analyze, and assess the ways in which love has been described in the texts we have studied during this class, paying special attention to how it is described in Antigone and Hamlet. From this come to some conclusions about what love is, or at least how love is experienced and conceived. Finally, make some kind of claim about the role of love in the production of the (human) subject. (For this topic, you might also consider Freud, Plato, Beginners, and Vertigo.)
The successful paper will:
Demonstrate a clear, sophisticated understanding of ideas developed in our analysis of Freud, Lacan, and Plato and be able to appropriately apply those ideas to an analysis of Antigone, Hamlet
Will accurately represent the positions/ideas/themes/actions presented in Antigone, Hamlet
Will choose appropriate quotes from Antigone, Hamlet, and effectively integrate them into the student’s own argument regarding the topic.
Will state and develop a thesis in response to one of the assigned topics.