Company: Canada Goose Holding inc What is their promotion strategy? Do they focus on personal selling or advertising to promote their products? Describe the promotional mix employed by your firm for their main product/services including advertising (include media strategy), personal selling, sales promotions and public relations. BUT don’t forget that most industrial products are not advertised, they are sold by personal selling. – What is their distribution strategy? How do they distribute products to their customer? What are the distribution channels for these products lines marketed by your firm (i.e. what are all the ways the customer can obtain your product or service)? Do they sell in store? Do they sell online? If the product is B2B, then who is the ultimate retailer of the product? How does the company get their product to that end customer? – Describe how the company has attempted to position their products or services in the minds of its target market. In other words, how has the company tried to create an image or identity in the minds of its target market (a brand) relative to its competitors in the same category? – Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the marketing strategy. Is the strategy effective? Why or why not?