Map your neighborhood and one other neighborhood in a different part of town. This will help you conceptualize what access differences are locally. Word Count: 1,300-1,800
References: APA style, you should have at least 5 sources CITE SOURCES (one from county health department and one from an academic journal – the others can be from anywhere) Details: Decide on two neighborhoods: This could be where you live now and where you grew up, it could be where you live now and another neighborhood in Buffalo, ideally the two neighborhoods are near each other geographically (but this is not required). Explore the neighborhood: Yes, this will be some place you are familiar with but I want you to see it through new eyes. Notice things like: •potholes, •stop signs, other signs (are there stop signs, stop lights, yield signs, signs about slow down for children, lawn signs for a political candidate, other signs by local government or residents indicating atmosphere of neighborhood), •billboards (think about what they are and are not advertising for and who they are geared to or telling they are not welcome), •what food options are there (farmer’s markets, convenience stores, grocery stores, health food stores, etc.), •what governmental organizations are there (police stations, jails, prisons, court houses, libraries, public schools) •what community organizations are there (Boys and Girls Club, YMCA, private schools, Knights of Columbus, senior centers, community centers), •what other businesses are there (payday loans, banks, car dealers, bars, churches, etc). Jot some notes as you drive, walk, or google map (if using google map – please use the street level view) around. Think deeply about how this connects to course topics what does this neighborhood have and what don’t they have. What surprises do you notice between the two neighborhoods? What indications of health do you think there are between the two?
Research: Look up the county health department and see if you can learn anything more about health outcome differences between the two neighborhoods. See if there are any academic articles on your city that talk about geospatial differences, particularly health differences but any would be relevant. Find out what the demographics of the neighborhoods are based on the last Census.
Define your neighborhoods: Be specific in describing which neighborhoods you have chosen and why. What are the geographic barriers (i.e., street names that define a specific neighborhood – this may be a few blocks or an entire town, depending on how you understand and conceptualize neighborhoods. If you are really stuck go back to your notes when we talked about how neighborhoods and cities are defined.) [at least one paragraph] Then write a paragraph on each neighborhood – use your notes. What is in the neighborhood, describe it. Are there more health food stores or is it a food desert/swamp? Are there virtually no signs or sidewalks? Are there lots of community services?