In this assignment you will begin to develop a project idea connected to organizational mission and goals. the first 4 elements will be description of the organization and its mission/goals followed by identifying a need for grant funding. he need should be supported by local documented evidence or literature. out will conclude by explaining how addressing this need connects to your organization mission. Description of Organization: his is a brief section that provides a framework for/grounds the perspective for the following content. Depending on your setting/age group, etc. the info below could differ. one paragraph mission: Communicate to overall aim of the organization from the broad perspective minimum 2 sentences alues: hat are the founding principles of the organization that connect directly to the mission list a minimum of goals: hat do you want to achieve related directly to each value list 2 goals for each value Need Assessment worksheet attached how does this need connect to your organization one paragraph
he organization that will be focusing on is entucy esleyan College
who needs that you can choose from are the addition of a student recreation center or improving the career center to promote higher Education.
Describe the group in need | What is the need AND why does the need exist | Evidence to support the need | What is the proposed program/service idea to address the need | What will be the impact of the program/service |