Use the typologies, concepts, and THEORIES explained in the texts about the small parties/big parties (see my syllabus – Muller-Rommel, Smith), those authored by Giovanni Sartori, Arend Lijphart, in order to continue your analysis of the parties you had already chosen for the analysis of 5 parties. Explain the role of those parties in their party system(s), in power or in opposition, and the relationships between party systems and political system (for the Romanian students, see the model in Dan Pavel, „NOUL SISTEM. Cercetare asupra noilor tendinţe ale sistemului de partide şi ale sistemului politic din România postcomunistă”). If necessary, include the new theories (21st Century) on political parties.
Include a brief analysis about how the parties you had chosen coped with the COVID-19 challenge (only if it is the case).