For your unknown, you should find all of the following information before your start writing your report:
- Gram reaction
- Shape and arrangement of organism
- Catalase test (for Gram + only)
- All media needed for ID (use the Gram + and – ID labs) and descriptions of any color changes
Checklist for your Unknown Report:
This is your original work – Show off what you have learned this semester! 🙂 Please don’t copy and paste passages from the internet/books/articles. Plagiarism (or more then 40% similarity) will result in at least 10 point deduction. Reports that have a higher than 50% similarity will receive 25 points deduction. This report should be in full sentences (Methods excluded)
Title (5 Points)
- Describes in a few words what was done
- Is short and precise (no longer than one sentence)
Introduction/Background (20 points)
- Describe the purpose of Microbiological Testing
- Why is testing important in the medical field?
- What is the goal of microbiological testing?
- Background on Gram negatives and Gram positives
- Differences between Gram + and – (color doesn’t count…)
- Give some examples of each
- Describe at least two diseases for each, signs, symptoms
Methods (15)
- Describe the Gram staining procedure
- Describe how catalase test would have been done (if this test was used)
- Name all media that should have been inoculated to ID your unknown and why
Results (20 points)
- Describe results for Gram reaction, cell shape and arrangement (look up information)
- What color changes were observed for each test? Any zones of inhibition (for antibiotics only)?
- Use pix of media found in the Gram + and – powerpoints for this
- Choose a good microscopic picture (e.g. Gram stained organism) found on the web but you must reference the source.
Discussion (20 points)
- Explain how your organism’s tests differed from the other gram – or +
- Write at least two paragraph about the significance of your organism
- g. Diseases it causes, Interesting facts etc. (The information can be collected from sources such as your text book, lab manual, or internet.)
References (5 points).
- Contains a list of sources you used for your report. You should always give credit to a source.
Overall organization (5 points)
- Report is easy to follow and contains all the subcategories in a logical order.
- Grammar and spelling counts