Look for an example in any of the textbooks or resources indicated for this workshop, or from other sources, about each one of the following topics. Prepare a short Power Point presentation (not more than 4 slides about each topic) about this example and come to the class prepared to present it to the group. Do not forget to include a precise and complete reference to the sources from where you selected the example and include it in the presentation using APA style. The topics of the exercises are:
A test for a hypothesis about the mean values of two small samples (sample size less than 30).
The application of the ANOVA technique.
A test for the differences in a proportion between two groups.
A test for independence of two categorical variables.
You can prepare this assignment teaming with other students, but if you do, any student on the team must be prepared to do the presentation of any of the solved exercises.
Prepare and solve a word puzzle (crisscross or other) with seven (7) or more terms relevant to the contents of this workshop. Bring to the workshop a printed unsolved copy of this word puzzle.