Preparation: If you have good quotes and details in your homework, you are free to use what you have already written. You can also work with classmates to prepare by comparing the quotes that you and your classmates identified as being significant and explain to one another how you analyzed the quotes. To brainstorm ideas before you write your responses, consider patterns, themes, important ideas, and symbols that you noticed in the epic poems, as well as important information from Hamilton. Connect these ideas to your understanding of the Greek world. Structure: For each question that I have listed below, develop a paragraph of 5-12 sentences. Your response should include the following: A topic sentence stating the main idea of your paragraph A quote from Hamilton or Hesiod to support your response Analysis of the quote based on our class discussions, focusing on themes and symbols rather than simple summary MLA format (but no works cited page needed if you only use Hamilton, Homer, and Vergil) No outside sources necessary, but if you refer to any sources besides Hamilton, Homer, and Vergil, you must include a works cited page. Questions: Use information and quotes from Hamilton and Hesiod, as well as details to answer the questions below.