You decide to research the different types of cloud storage to back up your assignments. Using the internet, research
three different cloud storage services and document your results in MS Office Word that includes the following
- Web address of the service
- Image of the cloud service website
- Storage fee, either by month or year (or indicate if free)
- Storage capacity
- Speed of uploads and downloads
- Available support services
Create an account with one online storage service (If you don’t have one). Load your research to the online storage
site. Create a shared link to share your work.
Create a thread on this discussion board with the following:
Share (copy from online storage and paste into the discussion board) a hyperlink to your your shared link from your
research in a word file for the findings on the three online storage services.
Reveal which online storage you used. What was your experience using online storage. Was it easy or difficult?
Would you use online storage again?
Has online storage ever benefited you in school/work?