Write the definition of a class SwimmingPool, to implement the properties of a swimming pool. Your class should have instance variables to store
1)the length (in feet)
2)width (in feet),
3)the depth (in feet)
4) the volume of water currently in the pool (in cubic feet)
5)the rate at which water can flow into the pool (in cubic feet per minute)
6)the rate at which water can flow out of the pool (in cubic feet per minute).
Add appropriate constructors to initialize the instance variables. The constructors should guarantee that the instance variables’ values are consistent with the roles they play in the class. For example, a negative or zero swimming pool depth would be inconsistent with our common understanding of the depth of a swimming pool.
Add member functions to do the following:
1) determine the amount of water needed to fill an empty or partially filled pool;
2) determine the time needed to completely or partially fill
3) determine the time needed to empty a filled or partially filled pool
4) add water for a specific amount of time
5) drain water for a specific amount of time.
Declare all the instance variables private
Write accessors for all instance variables