
April 29, 2021

Stakeholder Analysis

Identify at least 4 stakeholder groups for Alphabet and conduct a Stakeholder Analysis for each.   Describe ways in which each stakeholder group can provide an opportunity for Alphabet to succeed and/or provide a threat to Alphabet from succeeding.   How can Alphabet support or counter the actions of each stakeholder group?
April 29, 2021

key differences between the fields of victimology and criminology

What are the key differences between the fields of victimology and criminology? Why is the field of victimology important? How should the public and law enforcement react when perpetrators of crime become victims of violence? Posts should be at least 300 words
April 29, 2021

Explain how the security dilemma logic explains major power behavior in WW1.

Explain how the security dilemma logic explains major power behavior in WW1.
April 29, 2021

Environmental Science: NYC related

A short 550 to 700 word paper is assigned. The paper will involve two paragraphs. The first will be on a general issue of environmental concern (eg sea-level rise, insect loss, stormwater runoff pollution, etc.) (the billion oyster project cannot be a topic, and the topic must be specific and not […]
April 28, 2021

Audio Book Review

Audio Book Review Part 1: Listen to the interview between Terry Gross and Maureen Corrigan http://www.npr.org/2014/09/08/346346588/how-gatsby-went-from-a-moldering- flop-to-a-great-american-novel Part 2: WRITE and RECORD a 3 minute book review of the Great Gatsby. In this review, you will be required to: o briefly summarize the novel using supporting evidence from the text o state your […]
April 28, 2021

Case Study: Clinical Reasoning Essay

Case Study: Clinical reasoning essay ( 1500 Words Max). Please find attached the papers with the brief assessment + papers with my case study ( clinical assessment + treatment applied). You just need to write this essay related to my case. To discuss the case in more detail and apply […]
April 28, 2021

Business Ethics – Ethical troubles at company

Students have to collect 2 company cases of ethical wrongdoings/dilemmas and make an analysis of each of them based on the following criteria: a) Short summary, b) ethical considerations, c) identification of the decision-maker, d) the dilemmas and e) goals of the decision maker, f) stakeholders involved and their interests, […]
April 28, 2021

Gulf war 1991

1. Background on Iraq and Saddam Husain  2. Explain the reasons for Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait  3. Describe the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait  4. Describe the resolutions passed by the United Nations (page 4-5) Find quotes to support any of the above  5. Describe ‘Operation Desert Storm’ – the UN […]
April 28, 2021

Human Resource

Key Assignment Over the last few weeks, you have addressed many important human resources (HR) issues related to expansion. Since SaharaOasis’s plans to continue such an expansion, a new position of logistics manager is being developed to help organize and manage resources across facilities and with suppliers. Using Bloomberg Businessweek […]