April 21, 2021


1.     Labour markets. Critically discuss the success of structural reforms on the flexibility of the labour market in your selected country. Discussion should include the effects of changes in the structure of the labour market institutions and any policy reforms related to competitiveness on unemployment rates and growth rates (avoid explaining reforms, […]
April 21, 2021

Marketing Plan – Food Truck Business in the Tampa Florida area

In this assignment, using the provided template, you will revisit and revise the final projects from your previous courses that pertain to the aspects of your marketing plan. Before proceeding, understand that while you may have completed some of these concepts in other classes, you will need to fulfil the requirements of […]
April 21, 2021

The ‘Micro-Environment’ and ‘Financial Health’ of a professional sports team/club

Analyse the ‘Micro-Environment’ and ‘Financial Health’ of a professional sports team/club (of your choice) by completing the following tasks: Introduce your team/club Saracens Rugby Club What is their primary sport? What is the team/clubs approximate relative value/worth? What league do they represent? Is it private or public owned? Where are […]
April 21, 2021

Budget and Financial Plan for a Vacation Trip PPT

Choose a vacation destination anywhere in the world (to which you must fly) for a 2-week trip (assume you have vacation time from work to take the trip) that you would like to take exactly 10 years from today. This can either be an individual vacation, a couple trip, or […]
April 21, 2021

Programming HW C++ (Set_3)

Run the attached Set_3_Test.cpp to test your code. The output of the program has to be exactly the same to the Expected output below. Instruction is in the attached file. Need the “Set.h” file for this HW mainly. Expected output: int arr1[] = {2, 1, 4, 3, 5, 4} Set1(arr1): […]
April 21, 2021

Job Analysis and Job Description

Select a company or organization that you currently work for, a company/organization where you previously worked, or a company/organization you aspire to work for in the future. Scenario The management at your organization has approved funding for a brand new full-time position. This position is eligible for full benefits. As […]
April 21, 2021

Rwandan Genocide

Turn this paper into a case study. This case study should be 5 pages, double spaced over the Rwandan Genocide    In the first paragraph, introduce the case. For the case itself try to answer these questions: What was the event Why did this event take place? What was the […]
April 21, 2021

Racial Injustices in 2020

Annotated Bibliography Your bibliography will be written as a Works Cited list. It must include: • All identifying information (author’s name, title of work, title of source, publisher, year of publication, URL, date of access, etc.). Be sure to include only the information that is relevant for that particular source. […]
April 21, 2021

The use of Emotion sensing facial recognition

The use of Emotion sensing facial recognition.  Scenario:  The CEO of marketing firm has been told by his head of development that they have developed Facial Recognition software that recognizes emotions.  They can use this software to really tailor advertisements to individuals but the software at this time only works […]